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Lotto Gaming Jackpot winner Receives D100, 000.00

Foula Diallo, a resident of Brikama has won Lotto Gaming Gambia limited jackpot of one hundred Thousand dalasi (D100, 000.00) over the weekend.

Foula Diallo promised to put the money into good use for his family, as he vowed to continue patronizing Lotto Gaming Company as it is the fastest way of transforming anyone’s live.

For her part, Kendaka   Ceesay marketing Manager LGG said is first of its kind a resident of Brikama to wining such amount from her company.

“The total amount of the Jackpot was more than (D486, 000.00) and five people won and each is to received 100,000. Today Lotto Gaming is only making the first presentation of the emerge winner in Brikama and paid him one hundred thousand dalasi, while others will be done later,” she said at the presentation in Brikama.

She described their stance to be the fastest means of eradicating poverty in the country, adding the company is committed to empowering youth and creating employment opportunities.

She added: “Lotto Gaming Gambia will continue to do more payment to their customers as winners emerge, and the aim is for them to have more confidence in the company.”

Aji Sira Ndow and Doamitelias all commended their customers for the active participation in their raffle draw.

Authou:  Saidou Baldeh

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