Lower Badibou Welcomes CRC to Jubilant Mood

Communities in Lower Baddibu District have welcomed delegation of the Constitutional Review Commission and National Council for Civic Council Education to a jubilant mood.

The communities described the public consultation for the drafting new Constitution as timely.

Yorro Jawara of Kerewan described former President Yahya Jammeh’s 22 years as “ unfortunate” saying is because of hi his failure to give due respect to the country’s constitution.

Almameh Fatty also from Kerewan said the building process of the new Constitution is in the right track as the citizenry suffered lots under Jammeh’s regime.

Sheriffo Drammeh described Jammeh 22 years in power as a total ignorance to the country’s Constitution adding that Jammeh rule the country for his own interest not the interest of Gambians.

According to Drammeh, the Constitution under former President Yahya Jammeh was put in place in order to disunite family members, friends and Gambians in generals.

Drammeh said former President Yahya Jammeh’s style of administration is still reflecting into President Barrow’s Government since he took over the reign of leadership mantle in the country.

Saikou Jawara a prominent in Kerewan added his voice where he urged his community to be conscious when deciding how the Constitution should be adding that building new Constitution is a welcomed idea for the community of Kerewan.

At Kinteh Kunda forum, Tamba Kinteh described CRC/NCCE sensitization as timely while expressing his appreciation to the Government for having concern for the citizenry.

Kinteh said the laws under Jammeh were not meant for Gambians but for himself and his family thus suggesting that anything that should be put into the new Constitution most suit Gambians.

Marang S. Kinteh informed our reporter that Jammeh’s administration was a total messed for Gambians because of his dictatorship rule in the country for almost 22 years.

Madam Suwareh Kanteh, Mama Banna Fatty, all from Kerewan and Fatou Sillah, Mariama Singhateh, Jankeh Makalo and Binta Sonko from Kinteh Kunda expressed their appreciation to CRC/NCCE sensitizing them on something that vital to their lives.

Author: Lamin B. Darboe