Revoke Nominated Member Vows to Continue Duties

Hon. Ya Kumba Jaiteh, revoked nominated National Assembly Member has vowed to continue in her normal duties until the expiration of her term on April, 2022.

On 25th February, 2019  Mr Ebrima O. Camara, Secretary General and Head of the Civil Service has written a letter to dismiss  Ya Kumba Jaiteh, a nominated member of the National Assembly informing her the executive decision to revoke her nomination as National Assembly Member, with immediate effect.

However, on Monday in an open letter to Secretary General and Head of the Civil Service, Jaiteh said: “I am in receipt of a letter dated 25th February 2019 which purport to be issued from your good office. I have doubts as to its origin since it was not on official letter headed paper and the contents are with the greatest respect, curious. A copy is enclosed for your information”.

My letter therefore assumes that the letter was issued by you. Please correct me otherwise.

“As you are aware, your office has no authority over a member of the National Assembly by virtue of 166(4) (a) of the Constitution of the Republic of The Gambia. As a member of the National Assembly I am not a member of the Public Service. You are therefore kindly requested to advise yourself appropriately”

Further, the Power of the President to revoke my nomination expired immediately before my swearing in and taking of office as a substantive member of parliament.

The President does not have the right or authority to withdraw the nomination of a nominated member of parliament after they have been duly sworn in.

My membership of the National Assembly can only terminate upon my disqualification or expiry of my term as per Section 90, 92 and 97 of the Constitution.

Again, I suggest that you advise yourself appropriately.

I should therefore, continue in my normal duties until the expiration of my term on April, 2022.

In conclusion, I consider the said letter as an attempt to subvert or interfere with the membership of the Legislative arm of Government. Your letter is therefore disappointing. The Gambia people expect better.

I should therefore copy all parties concerned with the protection of the Doctrine of Separation of Power and sanctity of our Constitution.