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Tostan, The Gambia Launches Community Declaration in Upper River Region


Tostan, The Gambia through its Community Empowerment Programme(CEP) on Sunday 29th September, 2019 funded and presided over a Zonal Meeting organized  for 30 villages drawn from across the Projects Intervention areas  at a ceremony held at Njayel Village in Tumana District of Upper River Region.

The activity according to Mr. Edrissa Keita, Tostan’s National Coordinator in the Gambia, is to facilitate the launching of a declaration committed by the community of Njayel, to foster peaceful co-existence, promote sound environmental and natural resources management, and promote human security, amongst others.

Mr. Keita said, that the approach of Tostan as an International NGO is designed to promote community led development initiatives, to enhance community participation, ownership and sustainability of diverse projects being implemented in Upper River Region.

“Our Projects and activities, focus on capacity building programmes in the areas Numeracy, Literacy, Human Rights, Peace and Security, Health and Hygiene, Environmental Management, Community Action Planning, Resources Mobilization, effects of Bushfires, Illegal Logging and Micro Finance”.

In his remarks, Mr. Saiba Susso, The Alkalo of Njayel, said that, Tostan’s intervention in the Tumana, has positively impacted on the lives and livelihoods of beneficiary communities.

This he added, contributed to consolidating unity and social cohesion and also reduced the number of police and court cases, as a result of their skills and techniques in mediation and community dispute resolutions.

“ Since there intervention, Tostan has succeeded in mediating very serious cases in this community, and there is a great reduction in the number of cases reported to me as an Alkalo, generally  police and even court cases have also decrease in my community”.

In demonstrating their understanding, knowledge, skills and abilities of the lessons learnt, Participants of the Youth classes, took turns to explain through visual aid, the seven fundamental elements of Human Security such as personal security, economic security, food security, Political Security, Social Security, Environmental Security and Health Security with strategies undertaken by the community to ensure their protection.

Deputizing for the Minister Women, Children and Social Welfare, Mr. Mustapha S Koli, Programme Officer for Upper River Region, Said that, the Government of the Gambia attaches great significance to Women Empowerment and Gender equality thus the need for projects and programmes to design activities and interventions meant to uplift the skills and capacities of Women to bridge the gender inequality gap.

He challenges participants to be committed to peace and security at all times citing the challenges face by women and children in times of social uprisings due to their vulnerability.

He finally thanks Tostan for complementing the efforts of the Gambia Government particularly Women’s Bureau, to ensure an empowered women population.

Mr. Gibi Baldeh, a facilitator on behalf of the Comminity Management Committee (CMC) led the presentation of the Njayel Community Declaration of Sunday 29th September, 2019.

In presenting the 7 Article Local convention/community declarations to the participants, Mr. Baldeh said that, the convention is meant to address critical challenges face by the community of Njayel, in the areas of illegal logging, Bush fires, Animal intrusion in cultivated farms and fields, amongst other.

The convention, officials said, got the approval and commitments of the Regional Authorities including the Gambia Police Force, Gambia Immigrations Department, and The Basse Area Council for effective implementation.

Mr. Matarr SaidyKhan, from the Peace Ambassadors in his address, reminded participants on the need for collective collaboration and cooperation, to maintain peace and security in the country especially in Upper River Region.

He narrated the Peace Ambassadors engagement with the then rebel Leader of Cassamance Jemakun Senghore, in their mandate as peace builders to breed peace within the southern Senegalese province of Cassamance and said that, “Peace is the only way to peace.”

Mr. Amang Kanyi, the Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) of the Gambia Immigrations Department (GID) informed participants about the decentralization and processes for acquiring the National Identity Card in Basse, Upper River Region. He challenged participants particularly the Alkalolu and Sefoolu to desist from aiding foreigners to illegally acquire Gambian Documents. This, he said, contravene the laws of the Gambia and anyone caught in the process will be prosecuted.

The activity which was attended by Government Representatives, Security Personnel, District Chiefs, Ward Councilors,  Women  and Youth Leaders, was characterized by Cultural displays, Drama, Songs and visual displays


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