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Woman recounts her victimization at NIA

By: Adama Makasuba

A woman who was arrested and victimized by the 22 –year regime of former president Yahya Jammeh for calling for an electoral reform in 2016 explained her trauma before TRRC on Tuesday.

Nogoi Njie, a staunch supporter of the United Democratic Party told the investigation “They (NIA) broke my leg and dislocate my kneecap and walking is my problem and my vision is not very clear.”

Mrs. Njie told the commission that she was a skill trainer and businesswoman before her victimization, adding that she couldn’t do anything because ‘a woman need of working is through the hands and legs and as it is now I am unable to do anything now.’

She said the demonstration met her Westfield looking for some medication for her mother who suffered from high blood pressure when the late Solo Sandeng and his group held placates marching through the streets.

She recalled Inspector Sanneh a police officer who assigned his subordinates to arrest her while trying get into a car but ‘Inspector Sanneh said we are the big wings of UDP and I was bundle onto a big truck by police in black police officers.’

She they were brutalized during their detention at the defunct National Intelligent Agency saying they were later taken to Janjanbureh prison after their trail.

“They were beating people seriously with baton and others were using their fists to slap and some were kicking down people and throwing them onto the truck,” she said, adding all of the demonstrators were taken to Banjul except one Lamin Cham.

She said wooden circle were hung around their necks while detained at the Mile Two and ‘we met about 30 young ladies detained at the prison cells.’

She later herself, Fatou Camara and Fatou Jawara were transferred to convict wing but “they were not brutalizing us it was due to the congestion of the place.”


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