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Women Leader announces Death of Opposition Parties in Jimara

Fatoumata Kanuteh, has announced the death of opposition parties in Jimara Constituency in Upper River Region (URR), saying that this development is square down to the supports enjoyed by the people of Jimara under able leadership of President Adama Barrow.

Madam Kanuteh made this revelation at Gambissara Village, where President Adama Barrow held his ‘Meet the People Tour’ over the weekend. President Barrow was accompanied by his wife, Madam Sarjo Mballow, for the first time since the commencement of the ‘Meet the People’s Tour’ amidst of rousing welcome from cultural and traditional entertainers.

“What we want to make very clear is that in Jimara specially Gambissara, there is no more opposition left here. GDC, UDP, PPP and APRC are as good as death in this region by this time” Madam Kanuteh disclosed at the Gambissara meeting.

According to her, the decision to eliminate opposition in the region is due to the unprecedented supports rendered to the people of Jimara by the administration of President Adama Barrow. She affirmed that the one million dalasi revolving fund given to the women of Jimara has already been paid while other credit facilities for other women across the country will open soon as part of women empowerment initiative launched by President Adama Barrow.

“We were given fertilizers to sell which we did and made a profit of over two million dalasi. We took the money and gave it back to the government to open up other opportunities for the people of this region. Equipment such as power tillers and tractors were given to farmers to empower women during the past rainy season,”  Fatoumatta Kanuteh disclosed.

Speaking at the gathering, President Adama Barrow said government is ready to open up a new port in the Upper River Region (URR) to decentralize national development agenda. He added that URR has been a key actors in government for so many years but been left behind in terms of development.

“We will open up a new port in Gambia’s second capital which is Basse to decentralize our development plans in the Gambia. You “people of Jimara” have made me proud and I’m grateful for how you welcome me and my entourage to this region. With unity we can achieve a lot of success”, President Barrow told the people of Jimara.


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