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UN Special Rapporteur Calls on CRC

Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparations and guarantees of non-recurrence at the office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights based in Geneva, Switzerland, Fabian Salvioli ON Monday t visited the offices of the Constitutional Review Commission where he held meetings with staff and Commissioners on the CRC recent publication of the draft Constitution.

The meeting avails the UN human rights Special Rapporteur the opportunity to discuss issues of human rights as capture in the new draft Constitution.
Commissioners: Lamin S Camara and Amie Joof- Cole took time to explain to the visiting Human Rights official’s steps taken by the commission in incorporating humans rights issues in the new draft Constitution.

According to CRC Commissioners, Chapter II of the draft Constitution clarifies that a treaty The Gambia has entered into does not automatically become law unless it is transposed into domestic legislation.

“ The courts are empowered to have due regard to International human rights treaties that the Gambia is a party to where that is considered necessary to aid the interpretation or application of a provision of this constitution with respect to any right or freedom,” the Commissioners told the visiting delegation.
For his part, Mr. Fabian Salvioli commended the CRC for an inclusive process while underscoring the significance of human rights protection and promotions.

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