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Winter School on Inter intercultural Exchange within Societies Wrap-Up in Berlin

By Bakary Ceesay

Winter school “Brokering Intercultural Exchange within Societies” has concluded   in Berlin German on 27-29 November 2019 at International Alumni Center.

The Winter School is a cooperative project between Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, the Network Brokering Intercultural Exchange ( and MitOst e.V.

It attracted around 50 young and aspiring cultural manages from all around the world in order to network, discuss current issues and developments in cultural management and provide some best practices

Professor Dr. Raphaela Henze, Cultural Management and Vice-Dean of Internationalisation and Research Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences explained that the idea of winter school came when she and a friend as they were doing a lot in research so they thought it wise to organise a winter school by gathering cultural manger to It is about sharing experiences and expertise, finding new methods of how to approach topics and critically access your own work.

In 2018, the programme hosted 30 aspiring cultural managers from Egypt, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, the US, UK, Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Lebanon, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria.

In this edition, the programme has host 35 masters and doctoral students in the arts and cultural management.

Participants focused on participatory arts projects and has been engaged in lectures, workshops and case clinics by renowned researchers and practitioners.





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