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Witness Tells TRRC How He was maltreated during Witch-hunt Exercise


By: Mariama Njie

In the latest sitting at the ongoing Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC), Monday, a witness narrated how he was maltreated during the witch-hunt exercise in 2009.

Lamin Ceesay, who was born in Essau village 17th December, 1957 joined the teaching field in 1979 and taught for 34 years before he voluntary retired in 2013 at Bakindig Lower Basic School.

Narrating his ordeal, he said on 8th February, 2009 he was in his compound when he received a telephone call from his father that Superintendent Omar Jawo who was then a Commanding Officer of Barra Police Station, accompanied by Saikou Jallow, green boys and security officers with so-called Witch Doctors arrested him.

He said they met his parent who were in their late 80s sleeping in the after when they arrived in the compound.

Upon receiving that information from his dad, he said he left for the Bantaba to go and rescue him from those who had abducted.

“On my way to the Bantaba I saw people running towards me, these people which among were women, children and old people told me that witch-hunters were at the Bantaba,” he said.

He recalled that, he found their Chief, Fabakary Nana Sonko sitting on a chair while the victims were sitting on the floor and the place was surrounded by soldiers, adding that the so called Witch Doctors had a plate containing Mirrors with them.

Mr Ceesay affirmed that those arrested were above 50 years old. “When I got to the Bantaba, I met the green boys dancing while those with the Witch-hunters were drumming,” he said

According to him, he confronted the Chief and asked why he allowed those people to come to their Village and arrest elderly people.

He said the Chief responded:

“Lamin, this is what I see and my Sister, Jainaba Sonko was part of the captives.”

He told the TRRC that, when he went to rescue his mother, he was assaulted.

“I was pushed to board a bus which made me sustained injuries on my whole body. During the push and pull my parents and others managed to escape”, he explained.

Mr. Ceesay informed the Commission that the witch doctor was a magician, “he was the one that targeted people on the pretext that they were witches and wizards,” he added.

“I was the only person left in the Ford vehicle with about 30 soldiers and thereafter, Saikou Jallow took me to a small room and pointed a Pistol on my neck and asked me to say my last prayers which I did,” he lamented.

He went further that OC Omar Jawo insulted him continuously because he said he (Lamin Ceesay) was against the President and also rude.

He further told the TRRC that Lieutenant Jallow was alleged to be part of Jammeh’s killer Squad and prior to that they were responsible for Jammeh’s properties in North Bank Region.

“Lt. Jallow ordered about 20-30 soldiers to beat me while others held my legs. Omar Jawo also participated in beaten me and the beaten lasted about 15- 20 minutes after they beat me, I sustained lot of pain in my body,” he told the commission.

He said he was later released and was allowed to go home, adding that “Upon arrival at home, Captain Jatta came to my house with his orderly to apologies”.

Mr. Ceesay further testified that one of the victims told him that they were taken to Baba Jobe’s compound and given a concoction to drink which made them behaved in an unconscious manner.

As a result of the concoction, he said some of the victims died while others like Sankung Bala Jobe, Sally Sonko, Mbai Cham, Rohey Faye, and Pa Alieu Joof are still battling with their ill health.

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