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NPP rep. in Sanimentering Says three years protest is UDP demonstration

By Landing Colley

National People’s Party’s Sannehmentreng secretary has branded three years movement protest as United Democratic Party demonstration.

Amadou Bah speaking to voice in an exclusive interview alleged: “all the leaders of 3years Jotna are from UDP.”

He lashed out at three years pressure group saying “about 26500 people who voted for President Adama even 3years jotna people can’t even have the quarter of that.”

“Since 2017 the coalition was destroy  when one of the party stand and remove NAM election from independent to tactical  and if you see the NAM  election  should be independent in the coalition agreement but today people are not saying that and this is one of the agreement which was not fulfill,” he said.

He added: “this protest has moved the countries name up in the area of democracy but on the other the side it has disturbed most Gambians abroad because it denied them from having citizenship as those countries have seen that democracy is exiting in the Gambian.”

He said President Adama Barrow will serve five years in power, adding resignation is a “joke.”

So, if this few people come out to protest for the president to me, we are fooling each other, he said.

Mr Bah said constitution says five years and that any contrary to the constitution is violation of the laws of the country.

He urged the politician and the people to focus on national development instead of politics, and also try to maintain peace and stability in the country.

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