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Ahmadiyya Muslim Students’ Association Peace Symposium

On Saturday, 7th March 2020, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Students’ Association of Nusrat Senior Secondary School organized a peace symposium on the theme ‘The Role of Students in Peace Building’. The event was attended by students and staff of the school. It was held at the school grounds.

Among the speakers were Mr Mamadi Ceesay, the principal of the school, who spoke on the importance of peace. He praised the members of AMSA for organising such an important event saying that it shows their level of maturity and concern for their country. He urged all students to endeavor to maintain peace by exercising a high level of tolerance.

The next speaker was Ms. Nyimansata Camara, a former student of the school who is now a lecturer at the University of the Gambia. Nyimansata spoke at length on the methods of attaining and sustaing peace in the society. She said that one cannot give what they don’t have and therefore, a person should be at peace with themselves before being able to spread that peace in society.

Murabbi Abdurrahman Cham, also a former student of the school who is now coordinator of Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA) spoke on the Islamic perspective of peace. He quoted extensively from the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) on what people should do to attain and maintain peace.

He said that for one to attain inner peace, one has to create a connection with Allah, the Sublime and therefore urged everyone to try to be righteous so they can have that connection.

The next speaker was Pastor Seal Sylvester Jammeh from the Gambia Christian Council. He spoke at length on the Christian perspective of peace. He said that one has to cement the upward connection i. e. the link with God, the Almighty and then spread the love among his fellow human beings.

He spoke about tolerance and acceptance saying that we all have yo accepts each other and makes use of dialogue to resolve our issues rather than confrontation. He said man has to be always willing to serve his fellow beings and that is how peace will be built.

Another person who was supposed to speak at the ocassion was the Public Relations Officer of the Gambia Police Force Mr Lamin Njie. Unfortunately, Mr Njie was bereaved and had to attend a funeral. But all in all, it was a very successful program in which participants learnt a lot from the speakers.

Master Yaya Fatty, the President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Students’ Association gave the vote of thanks. He told the gathering that the importance of peace cannot be overemphasized. He thanked the speakers for taking time from their busy schedule to come and share their opinions with the students.

May Allah, the Almighty bless the efforts so that we may have sustainable peace in our country.

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