Banjul Breweries to Lay-off 95% Workers,  Company to shutdown in 2Months

Banjul Breweries Limited, Gambia’s only brewery and producers of Julbrew beer and non-alcoholic drinks will lay-off 95 per cent of its workforce’s and shutdown production in The Gambia in next two months, impeccable sources revealed to The Voice on Monday.

Meanwhile, shutdown production has nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic that is forcing businesses across the globe to temporarily close of works, businesses and offices.

“I can confirm to you, the Banjul Breweries Company Limited is on the verge of shutting down its production in the country. This decision has nothing to do with the Coronavirus pandemic but rather related to excise tax imposed by the government,” said source who pleaded to remain anonymous.

According to him, since The Gambia government imposed the excise tax the company has been struggling to make ends meet as far as production is concern.

“As from today Monday all non-essential staffs have been lay-off. It is only the skeletal staff who will continue to work for the coming months in other to complete the widening down process,” our source disclosed.

One staff who also spoke to this medium expressed his sorrow about the latest decision reached by the management. He said the decision will affect more than two hundred and fifty full time staff. “We are just from attending a general staff meeting with the management; we were briefed about the widening down of production.

However, we could not reach a definite decision on the mode of payment of our benefits,” an affected staff told The Voice.

He noted that Banjul Breweries Company Limited Staff Association will continue discussions with management in a bid to draw a roadmap for the payment of staff benefits. “We are demanding full payments of our dues up to our pension age. Anything sort of this we will not allow it,” he warned.

Efforts have been made to get to Alagie Ceesay, President Banjul Breweries Company Limited to shed light on the story failed as he was not available.