CSOs Chairman   Urges Gov’t to Upgrade Media Houses

By Landing Colley

The Chairman of Civil Society Organization who doubles has executive director of Beakanyang Nfamara Jawneh, has urged the government of The Gambia to financially support media houses in terms of updating the general public on covid-19 as the safety of their staffs are paramount to the nation.

Speaking to The Voice in an exclusive interview, he said: “from the fund that the government budgeted for the fight of coronavirus pandemic, it is important for them to consider providing some funding for media houses across the country.”

He added that in this very important moment, it is very vital for the government of the day to do such so that people can have access to information.

According to him if journalists are not well equipped in this era of global coronavirus pandemic it will be very difficult for them to disseminate information to the general public. He noted that the Ministry of Health should help the journalists citing that they are all doing the same which is serving the people of the Gambia.

“Media houses are struggling to provide information to the people, it will vital if the government provide some fund for all the media in the country to support them in their daily coverage,” he reiterated.

He commended media house for doing a brilliant work especially with regards to the coverage of covid-19 while urging them to continue informing the general public on current situation.