COVID-19: Distribution of Government Relief Package in Offing

The Minister of Finance Honourable Mamburay Njie, has informed the public that government is working on modalities to provide relief packages to the vulnerable to ease the burden of the people in this existing COVID-19 period.

Several countries around the world, including the neighbouring country, Senegal, have distributed tons of food packages to its citizens particularly the vulnerable members of the community. This is meant to ease the living condition of people who have been asked to stay home in order to contain the spread of the virus.

As at the time of press, The Gambia has registered 9 cases so far among which, one death, two recovered and six active cases. The country has extended the State of Public Emergency to 45 days and restricted the businesses and movement of people.

However, many people have since been complaining about their source of livelihoods being restricted without the government providing any relief package.

“With respect to helping Gambians, I think it is the responsibility of the government of The Gambia and data has been gathered,” he told journalists at the Ministry of Health daily evening briefing over the weekend.

He said the household data on vulnerable people they gathered was done before Coronavirus pandemic was registered in the country and new data must be collected before the distribution of relief.

“Even those in the urban area now, you and I are also vulnerable because it depends on the type of vulnerability. “So, there is pre and post corona vulnerability…we have to be guided by data,” he said.

The Minister said the cabinet committee chaired by the Vice President has been working to ensure that the data they gathered would be able to guide them in the distribution.

“So, we are in the very advanced stage and all the necessary information will come to you as soon as we are ready. So, the assistance is guaranteed and we are comin,” he assured.

The Coronavirus Millions

Answering some questions from member of the press on Saturday on the several millions of dollars donated by partners to The Gambia, including the IMF relief package to fight against the coronavirus pandemic in the country,  the Minister of Finance, has told journalists that all donations for the government are kept with the Accountant General and not with his Ministry.

Honorable Mambury Njie disclosed that some of the funds are yet to be received while others will not be coming physically, including the 47 million USD.

“It’s something that will be lodged just for balance of payment support,” he said.

“The $21 million, we hope that by the end of the month we should get that because the approval was just on the 15th (April). Again, everything is linked to our good micro-economic performance,” he stated

Meanwhile, on top of the government’s own contribution of D500,000,000, the World Bank approved $10 million last month, IMF approved $21 million excluding the debt relief package. The individuals and corporate organizations have also made significant donations in the millions. The management and coordination of the funds have always been a concern to the public.

Assisting businesses

The Minister assured that the Ministry of Trade is working closely with the private sector to help all businesses, especially small and medium ventures that are affected by the outbreak.

He said the Ministry will recommend a very good package to ease the pressure on businesses.