Rawdatul Majaalis calls for equal justice As member arrested for derogatory remarks

By Adama Makasuba

Majmouat Rawdatul Majaalis – a Muslims group is demanding display of equal justice as one of its members got arrested and released on police bail for allegedly directing derogatory remark at Imam Abdoulie Fatty.

The incident happened last week in Jarra Sutukung and it was confirmed that Ahmad Sillah made the remarks.

Speaking to The Voice in an exclusive interview, the spokesman of Rawdatul Majaalis, Aboubakar Jabbie said: “we need justice, a simple justice. Our leader was insulted the same way Imam Fatty was insulted and they treated us very differently.”

He added: “we want justice so that these insults and threats among Muslims in this country will stop, we want both of them (Imam Fatty and Sillah) to be prosecuted for that we stand in front of justice, no one is above the law.”

Jabbie however described the police arrest as ‘not civil at all’ explaining that “two trucks loaded with paramilitary personnel came to arrest just only one person as if he is a criminal.”

According to him, two CID officers went to arrest Ahmad Sillah and when they got there they told him “now we came to arrest you but you have to wait because we came with a motorcycle but our colleagues are coming to pick you up to Mansakonko Police Station.”

He went on explained that “When one these groups called Sunni member with name Alieu Fatty insulted our leader new Supreme Islamic Council leader Sheriff Nano Hydara with very, very nasty words and we took the matter to Brusubi police station.”

“But we saw more than three-hundred youth coming to support that man and they told the police if you detain this boy here, tonight we will burn the police station, and they release him.” Mr Jabbie added.

And up to this moment we want that case to be in court so that we will stand in front of a Magistrate for them to give us our rights, he said.