Team of auditors to look into Covid-19 funds – Njie

By Mani Kumba

A team of auditors has been formed to look into government’s Covid-19 emergency funds, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs has said.

The Gambia government announced allocation of D512 million emergency funds which was meant to help in the fight against coronavirus.

Dozens of millions landed into government covers from World Bank, International Monitory Funds and European Union since the coronavirus emerged in the country in March.

Responding to questions in a government Covid-19 press conference held in Banjul, Mambury Njie said “in government works; when you offer your service. Other people called auditors will make a follow-up to find out how the funds is expends. Therefore, we have to wait until they deliver their report.”

The Ministry of Finance also said in its report that “as of end of April, the total expenditure from the D512 million was D160 million. The expenditure is mostly on procurement of medical equipment and vehicles, training hotel accommodation for quarantined individuals, allowances, refurbishment of health facilities, among other needs.”

But hundreds of thousands of Gambians criticized the Barrow-led administration for lacking transparency in displaying the funds accordingly.

A report published by Gambia Participates with the support of International Republican Institute and American Embassy, said: “the government is less transparent on the expenditure of funds received from its bilateral/multilateral partners and donations locally received as compared to the D512m.”

The Institution’s report also highlighted “all Covid-19 frontline workers have complained of training on Covid-19, unavailability of PPEs, unfurnished isolation centres, inadequate sanitary materials, fraudulent names in the list of frontline workers (for allowance) and above all lack of preparedness.”

He dismissed speculations saying whenever the auditors present their reports government will know what to do about the speculations on the emergency funds.