NYC chair rates Jammeh regime over Barrow’s administration in youth representation


Dembo Kambi, National Youth Council (NYC) chairman has rated ex-President Yahya Jammeh 22 years regime over President Adama Barrow’s administration in youth representation

Speaking to The Voice in an exclusive interview, Mr Kambi said: “We are not given political office; we are not given political representation. But in the second republic (Jammeh’ era) we have seen young people being identified to represent the voice of the young people in the National Assembly, but in this government, we did not get that.”

According to him, 2016 the National Youth Council addressed a letter to opposition political leaders and informed them to form a coalition in order to overcome the APRC with the notion that   the new government will empower the youth politically.

Kambi pointed out that youth expectations have been turned down, adding despite the youth representation in the National Assembly was not done in consultation with the NYC but the council understands that there were some youth representing Gambian in the parliament.

“Seedy SK Njie, Babou Gaye Sonko and Sainey Chati were one time representing the youth in the parliament during the APRC government,” he said.

He said President Barrow government never approached the youth council about youth representation in the parliament, adding that even though there is youth representation in the parliament he (Kambi) is not aware of that, revealing NYC has not heard from the government since 2017.

He said: “The National Youth Council felt marginalized in the country because the youth are not represented in the parliament.”

He said NYC as an institution is responsible for advising government on youth matters, also coordinate, supervise and register youth organizations in the country.

“Therefore, if government is identifying a youth representative in the parliament then NYC officials should be consulted,” he pointed out.

However, he commended the entire National Assembly for advocating youth‘s welfare in the parliament, saying  in December 2019, some young lawmakers were telling the finance minister to allocate better percentage for the Youth and Sport ministry.

On Youth Advisers to the President

He  expressed concern over the way the advisers to the president on youth are operating, saying is important for presidential advisers on youth to meet the National Youth Council regularly in order to know the activities of the youth, adding “I never meet anyone of them (presidential youth advisers).”

He said the youth council has a very good working relation with the ministry of Youth and Sport, adding that the minister always listens to the council keenly.