Resigned Minister urges journalists to avoid misinformation

By Yusupha Jobe

Outgoing Minister of Justice Abubacarr Ba Tambadou has urged Journalists to avoid giving misleading information to people adding that the peace and stability of the country lie in the hand of media.

Ba Tambadou made the statement on Friday in a farewell press conference he organized following the tendering of his resignation letter to President Adama Barrow as the country’s Attorney General and minister of justice.

He said the Gambia’s peace and security which every citizen is proud of must be jealously guarded by her own people, cautioning media and journalists to be more professional in their work.

He stressed that giving out false news or information to the public serves as a biggest threat to the peace and security of the country

“We all have a role to play in promoting peace and stability of our country, but especially the media. The biggest threat to our peace and fledgling democracy is misinformation. I implore the media to be mindful of your critical role in a fragile democracy such as ours.

“Do not turn your supporters in government against your actions. Do not, under the excuse of freedom of expression, ruin the lives and reputation of others simply because you can. In small communities like ours, the consequences of publishing false information can be devastating.

“The people you write about have families too, their kids go to school with others, and their spouses interact with others at work and other public places. But do all means expose corruption and bad practices in government, but I encourage you to do it with facts, and to be fair some of you do to your credit. It will only enhance your credibility,” he stated.

Further assuring the victims of 22 year rule of former President Yahya Jammeh, he stated that justice in compensation for their human rights violations by the EX- President will be served adding that he always had them in mind at every stage of the transitional justice process.

“To the victims of human rights violation and abuses during 22 years of Jammeh’s rule, you will get justice. I have always had you in mind at every stage of our transitional justice process and I have been committed and dedicated to your cause since first day I was appointed.

“I am aware that Jammeh has caused too much pain and suffering to the people of this country throughout his 22 year reign of terror as the TRRC keeps revealing. He has during this period destroyed the innocence and soul of Gambian society with the sheer brutality of his crimes, and for this, he will be brought to account someday here or abroad. He will surely have his day in court,” he warned.