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CRR Governor Broker Truce in Swami India-Korop Villagers Stand-Off

 Impeccable sources closed to the office of the Governor of Central River Region (CRR) has revealed that a truce has been reached between Korop Villagers in Upper Fulladu and Swami India Company over an unfulfilled electricity and water supply on Monday, 10th August, 2020, at Janjanbureh.

Last week, angry villagers led by the Alkalo matched to the Indian Banana Plantation and demanded for the closure of the facility till time the Indian Company fulfill its promised of electricity and water supply to the village. This situation led to a scuffle between officials of the Banana Plantation and the villagers of Korop that led to the intervention of the Governor CRR, Abba Sanyang.

The Voice spoke with Governor Abba Sanyang on the matter and he confirmed that a truce has been reached between the two. He revealed that the Indian Company is advised to fulfill its agreement with the villagers, while the villagers of Korop were also advised not to interfere in the affairs of the management of the Banana Plantation operated by Swami India Company.

“I want to confirm that we have reached at a truce that will allow the Swami India Company to abide by their agreement with the villagers in providing electricity and water supply that was promised in exchange for the land in question. It is very unfortunate that this agreement was done verbally without been written, however, through our intervention Swami India has expressed their readiness to supply electricity and water in the soonest possible time,” Abba Sanyang, CRR Governor disclosed.

According to him, the situation could not be left unattended that warranted governor’s office to take steps in solving the problem once and for all. He noted that Swami India was urged to report to give feedback on the progress made as soon as next week.

“Am optimistic that this issue is already settled as Swami India has given their promise and my office has already urged them to report back next week to give us a feedback,” CRR Governor affirmed.

Alkalo Muhammed Jamanka of Korop Village told The Voice that if not the timely intervention of the Governor of the region Swami India will cease operations to a time when the company will provide electricity and water supply to the village as agreed, He noted that the villagers has waited patiently for three years four months without any sign of electricity or water been provided for the village.

“Now that the Governor has intervened we are waiting for the outcome but we cannot compromise with our stance. This is more than three years now, only promise we are getting from this company and enough is enough,” Muhammed Jamanka, Alkalo Korop Village, submitted.

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