Teen lifeless body found in Brikama-Ba

By Adama Makasuba

Lifeless body of a 12-year-old boy has been found wrapped in a flower bag in Brikama-Ba, Central River Region, Police have confirmed.

His corpse was on Saturday taken to Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul for autopsy examination.

Eye witnesses suspected the teen boy was beaten to death after he was reported to have gone missing for days. They added his body was found wrapped in an abandoned flower bag and placed in an unused house in the town.

Scores have reacted to his death as “squalid and shocking” and raise concern over the state of security in the country.

Police spokesman Superintendent Lamin Njie told The Voice in a telephone interview: “we can confirm the incident of a dead body of a young boy found at Brikama Ba and currently the police have opened an investigation into the matter.”