KMC: Rent cost palaver, Traders complain

By Sulayman Waan

Some traders within the Kanifing Municipality have raised concerns over the high costs on rent amid the coronavirus. They said it is affecting their businesses and this could paralyse businesses within the municipality.

Speaking to The Voice in an interview, Abdoulie Bokum, a building materials dealer at the Westfield- Serekunda highway sulkily complained about the high cost of store rental fees which he described outrageous.

“The rental fees are very expensive compare to the previous years when it was cheaper. It should be reduced because the business is not going well due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

Bokum said it is affecting their business gravely. However, he opined that there is a need for the government to come to their aid to enable them sustain in their businesses.

Kebba Bojang, a storekeeper said the high cost of the rent has drastically hampered his business. He said the business is not going well and he pays D72, 000 rent fees annually, and “it is not favourable to me as a developing businessman,” he lamented.

“Considering the poor market and the amount of money I spent on rent. You will know that this business cannot grow fast,” he added.

Another businessman who spoke on anonymity said he finds it very difficult to develop his business as expected owing to the high cost of the rent.

Pointing at the goods, he said: “I am paying D4,000 monthly in this small shop. You see this high cost of rent is reducing my business.”

Another businessman Pa Malainy Sanneh also complained about the high cost of the shop and store rental within the municipality. He described it as a nightmare.

Mr Sanneh said he spent D150, 000 on store rental annually which he said is too expensive for an imagined businessman. He added that the expensive shop rental with a couple of family expenses, a businessperson will find it difficult to develop his/her business in The Gambia.

These visited businessmen all appealed to the Gambia government to help them, especially the small scale business people to ensure they sustain their businesses and attain their goals.