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Chief Bojang calls on “Bojang Global Family Association” to be apolitical


The Paramount chief of The Gambia who double as the head chief of Kombo North District urged members of the newly form association called: “Bojang Global Family Association” (BGFA) to be apolitical.

The association recently made a courtesy called on chief, Momodou L.K. Bojang at his Sukuta resident to brief him about the formation of the association, seeks his personal blessing among other issues.

Chief Bojang in addressing members of “Bojang Global Family Association” expressed his delight for the visit made by the association members. He urged the BGFA members to run the affairs of their association without involving into politics.

“You should maintain oneness among yourself. Respect each other for the betterment of the yourselves and that of your children and always promote togetherness wherever you are,” Chief Bojang advised BGFA members.

He assured BGFA members of his relentless support to the association adding: “My office is open to you anytime you want to see me you are welcome”.

Explaining the rationale behind the formation of the BGFA, the PRO of the association, Pa Bojang a native of Bakau said one Bubacarr Bojang a native of Brikama is the main man behind the formation of the association.

“Bubacarr Bojang is currently residing in Belgium and he came up with this imitative in March 2020 in order to see Bojang families coming together under one umbrella,” he explained.

According to Pa Bojang their association did not affiliate to any political party. “We formed the association to bring Bojang families in and outside the country together based on cooperation, mutual understanding and respect.

Elders like Alhagie Musa Bojang, Abdoulie Alan Bojang, Mama K. Bojang, Ousman Bojang all talked about the historical origin of Bojang decedent from Mali to Gambia.

Association members like Ebrima Bojang, Sukai Bojang and Aja Manjako Bojang all assured chief Bojang and other elders from Bojang families of a vibrant and peaceful association that would bring Bojang families together across the globe.



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