NAQAA report reveals UTG doesn’t have research and development strategy document

By Landing Colley

National Accreditation and Quality Assurance (NAQQA) audit report for 2018 has shown that the University of The Gambia doesn’t have a document of research and development strategy.

The National Accreditation and Quality Assurance made the revelation before National Assembly select committee on education.

Dr. Gibril Jaw, chief executive officer of NAQAA told the select committee that “one of the main functions of a university is the creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge, and at the time of audit, there was no evidence of a documented research and development strategy for the university and no systematic coordination of research at the wider institutional level.”

He said that there was no availability of reach fund in supporting research and development activities within the university citing that no evidence of graduate employability survey that has been conducted or at the university-wider level.

“At the time of audit there was evidence of research committee at school of Arts and Sciences, but evidence of concrete actions and initiatives taken by the mentioned committee could not be seen,” he said.

NAQAA’s said they have recommended an up to date research strategy be developed to reflect the university’s current research aspirations and infrastructure to support the coordination and direction of UTG’s research and knowledge transfer activities.

“It is recommended that funds be allocated within the university’s yearly budget to support research and development activities within the school and other research center,” Dr Jaw said.

He said there was no evidence of facility management policy and plan, adding that there was enormous pressure placed on lecture and teaching room space, library room as evident in the school of law and business and public administration as well as the school of Arts and Sciences.

According to him, during the visit, library furniture is inadequate and no evidence of computer and availability of internet (Wi-Fi) likewise e-materials and subscription to journal databases in the libraries at Kanifing campus.

“The University should facilitate the creation of functional libraries and adequate I.T facilities with subscription to international journal databases to ease access to credible research publications across various fields of education. The university should also dedicate a specific budget line geared to program enhancement. This budget should be informed by activities of the school,” he added