Future in Salikene donates furniture to schools in Central Badibou

By: Haruna Kuyateh

Future in Salikene, a Gambian – Germany based charitable organization has donated some furniture to Mandori and Nawleru Lower Basic Schools and Madarasa Baba Ceesay Arabic Schools in Central Badibou. They also donated some science books to education directorate in the region.

Alasana Ceesay, project coordinator of Future in Salikene said the organization is committed to educational development of children. He revealed that  the establishment of ECD school in 2007 and the support has enable them to feed the Lower Basic Schools with student transiting to grade 1

He noted that the furniture will contribute to improve writing and reading skill of students. Ceesay urged beneficiaries to make best use of donated materials and carry out periodic maintenance.

“Future in Salikene charitable organisation provides computer training and free internet service to youths and public servants and above all established ten vegetable gardens to promote integrated farming. As part of strengthening teaching of science and art subjects at senior secondary schools the Future in Salikene donated good numbers of books for onwards distribution and to encourage students to take up the subjects seriously,” he pointed out.

Mod Tala Ceesay, senior education officer commended the management of the school and donor for consolidating cooperation and agreement.

He reassured them of the directorate full support towards the attainment of quality education.

Hassan Jassey, chairman of Nawleru School management committee, Alh. Sambou Ceesay community leader of Salikene and MomodouTouray head teacher of Mandori Lower Basic School all made remarks and commended Future in Salikene for the assistance.

Junkung Dibba, alkalo of Salikene recalled   that the Future in Salikene has provided borehole for the community worth D400, 000 to ensure constant water supply, improve hygiene and sanitation.