Police disciplinary committee to oversee new ethic rules  

By Adama Makasuba

Police disciplinary committee is been mentioned to oversee the new code of conduct developed by the National Human Rights Commission.

The committee will be tasked to sit over cases regarding breach of the conduct and offering punishment on violators. This seeks to help members of the police to preserve law and order and as well effectively execute their national duties within the ambits of the law.

National Human Rights Commission chairman, Daniel Joof, said “there will be a disciplinary committee and I have the confidence that all the police will want their offices to abide by the rules of the code.”

“I think the police have realized that they need to reform and change the way they are doing things and the code of conduct is one of many tools that will help them in this process. And I really believe that the bad image has been given to police and the police want to change for the better,” he added.

The Chairman continued that “National Human Right Commission has the broad mandate of protecting and promoting human rights in this country and the police are one of the institutions that we work closely with for collaboration, so one of the things that we have realized as we did capacity training with them over the last 15months is we discover that, they didn’t have comprehensive Code of Conduct for the police force.”

Therefore, he said with the office of the IGP, the National Human Rights Commission led the process and developed the code with them.