Lawmakers to scrutinise Abdoulie Conteh’s appointment

By Binta Jaiteh

Lawmakers have hold on the membership appointment of Abudolie Conteh into Gambia Armed Forces Council pending the outcome of the House committee on business for scrutiny report.

Addressing the MPs at the parliament, Minister of Defence Sheikh Omar Faye said: “the plenary only confirmed the appointment of Mr. Yusufa Baboucarr Dibba as Member of the Armed Forces Council while Mr Allagie Momodou Ndow Njie was not confirmed.”

“Subsequently the Minister of Defense submitted to the Assembly the appointment of retired colonel Abdoulie Conteh as member of the Armed Forces Council for confirmation in accordance with section (189 1G) of the 1997 constitution and section (13 1G) the Gambia Armed Forces Act.”

“The pursuance of the 1997 constitution, as part of the security reform sector, the President and Commander of Chief has granted approval for the establishment of the armed forces council, which comprise of the following, Vice President as chairperson, minister of defense for chief of defense staff, commanders of the army, permanent secretary, ministry of defense and two other persons appointed by the president subject to confirmation.

“I would like to inform the assembly that there has never been functional armed forces council in the history of the Gambia, it is my believed with the establishment of the council with the caliber of people there it will significantly assist the oversight processes and democratic civilian control of the armed forces,” he added.

Honorable Halifa Sallah, member for Serrekunda, said section (189) of the constitution provides for appointments that must be confirmed by Assembly, there shall be an armed forces council which shall consist of among all the others to other persons appoint by the president subject to confirmation by the assembly.

Honorable Sallah noted that there was an appointment referred for further scrutiny apparently new appointment is presented, from the Minister’s statement letters received conveyed to the clerk, we did not hear any information from the person whose appointment has been referred.