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MOH ready to upgrade health facilities

By Landing Colley

The Ministry of Health has announced plan to start upgrading hospitals and health centers across the country to enable these facilities to get blood banks, operation theater and laboratories.

Health Minister Dr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh made disclosed this during answering questions in parliament on Thursday. He said it has come to the ministry’s attention that quite number of facilities are not functioning according to their designation but the ministry is working to upgrade some facilities across the country which will include Bajakunda health centre as well as Sami Karataba health centre.

He added that “the Foday kunda Health center in Wuli East is in the process of a proper assessment of works that need to be done. This intended to over hold the entire health facility as part of our drive to upgrade health facilities in the country,” he added.

He explained that the team in Foday kunda health centre will immediately work on water and electricity problem even before the wider work, a very good idea about the situation in Foday Kunda health centre and they working on it quickly.

“The ministry will work on building capacity so that the facilities will be able to fulfill its mandate as a major health centre. In this vein Bajakunda will get a laboratory, blood bank and operation theatre,” he told lawmakers.

He said his ministry is procuring 23 ambulances and one of them will be designated to Janjanbureh health centre.

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