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Ministry of health gets immunization advisory

By: Mariama Njie

Ministry of Health with support from World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF has inaugurated national immunization technical advisory group [NITAG] that seeks to improve health and wellbeing of Gambians.

The group members are said to undergo five days training with health experts to better understand NITAG programme within the global and regional context. NITAG helps national authorities implement and monitor national IP in line with regional IP.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Muhammadou Lamin Jaiteh, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Health said: “this inauguration marks another milestone in our efforts to improve the health and wellbeing of Gambians, most particularly children and women.”

He added: “We are demonstrating our collective resolve to ensure that the Gambia is free from the dreaded menace of vaccine preventable diseases through all possible means including the establishment of a sound national scientific advisory group.”

He said the country’s Immunization coverage includes Measles BCG, Polio, Diphtheria, Peruses and Tetanus, revealing that they  also introduced new live saving vaccines such as Hepatitis B, Homophiles Influenza type B (HIB) Pneumococcal vaccine, rota virus and MenA vaccine.

He further explained that the Gambia immunization programme with support  from GAVI and path has made the most important innovation by introducing HPV vaccine into the routine immunization programme to prevent girls and women from cervical cancer.

“The  Gambia has been recognized to have one of the best immunizations programmes in the sub-region, adding “the ministry of health will continue to expand the services by opening more outreach facilities in sub optimally served areas of the county’s through GAVI HSS support and government local fund,” he revealed.

He commended West African Health Organization (WAHO, UNICEF and WHO for their partnership.

Dr. Yves Mongbo, on behalf of West African Health Organization also said the establishment and strengthening of National Immunization Technical Advisory Group to guide countries in the development and implementation of relevant evidence-based immunization programme, is one of the priorities activities of the West African Health Organization.

“This session for the Gambia NITAG members is a turning point in making the NITAG effectively operational and a joy to WAHO to partner with WHO. We are counting on the same national momentum and partner support in the country to bring the Gambia’s NITAG to maturity so that it can fully play its role in providing evidence based advice and recommendations to the health authorities to improve the performance of the national immunization program,” he said.

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