Today Thursday December 31, 2020 edition marks the end our publication for the year.
It is therefore a time of reflection and time to thank people who have contributed to the success of The Voice over the year. There have been many changes in 2020 which reflects the change of guard, the change in the role of the management and the change to our Editorial team. Some of the changes are procedural which would not have been noticed but other changes are fundamental to the publication direction and priorities of The Voice.
The most important but perhaps silent change has been to the role of the administration, marketing, which the administration and marketing unit takes on the role of managing the paper.
It oversees the review process and makes high level recommendations about publication and staff welfare. This has been a very positive move for the The Voice, which ensures that we have the necessary breadth of content expertise overseeing the daily management of the paper.
The Editorial team has also seen changes with many new faces. The new Editorial team brings a wealth of clinical and academic experience to the paper. They all work very hard in an effort to ensure that every areas is cover by the paper
Of course, the quality of a paper is very dependent on three major contributors: authors, readers and reviewers. Authors have continued to show their support to the paper with an ever increasing rate of submissions. We thank all our reporters and hope that they will continue to choose The Voice as their preferred place. We particularly congratulate the female reporters for their courage for their contribution especially in this Covid -19.
So as we move into 2021, please feel free to drop us a line, provide suggestions and give feedback to help further develop our paper. But most importantly, continue to read, support, advertise and submit papers to The Voice.
To all our followers, customers, and everyone out there, we say thank you.
Happy New Year!