UDP Commits to Be Of Service to All Gambian- Darboe

ANM Ousainou Darboe, has emphasized that United Democratic Party is committed to be of service to all Gambians and to offer change and to bring hope.

“UDP chooses to stand for The Gambia and for Gambians first and we are optimistic and strongly believe that our government will bring about positive and transformational change.

We aspire to see a Gambia in which our children have quality and continuous lifelong learning – free education up to bachelor’s degree; free health care for every Gambian under the age of 18 years of age and above the age of 65 years and for every pregnant and lactating mother. A Gambia where there are social safety nets available for people with disabilities and for the elderly,” UDP leader Darboe said in his New Year’s Message to all Gambians at home and abroad

He added: “A Gambian which our youth pride themselves with, and are eager to contribute towards and be a part of her progress. A Gambian in which we avoid “brain drain” and benefit from “brain gain”.

A Gambia in which “our history” is part of our curriculum. A Gambia in which teachers teach life skills, cognitive skills critical thinking and problem-solving skills. A Gambia in which going to school translates into quality learning and children are taught to value and respect each other.”

“We aspire for a Gambia where access to quality healthcare is a moral responsibility of the government for every citizen. Where there are adequate hospital beds; enough quality medications; hospitals have enough blood to go around and healthcare workers are not only valued in remuneration but also equipped with the necessary tools to serve the citizenry,” he said.

The veteran lawyer said UDP government is here to be of service, “we offer transformational change; we bring hope and we choose to stand for The Gambia first.”

“I am optimistic that “2021 will offer hope for an end to the pandemic and a gradual return to normal social life.”

I want to conclude by imploring all Gambians to nurture and value our history and diversity we belong together, not apart. There are no “us” and “them”. Whatever politics we identify with can and should be subordinate to the relationships that bind us together. We must reject those who seek to polarise our small close-knit though diverse society for whatever purpose,” he said in a nationwide address.