Rumours on Jammeh’s return, meritless tales peddling by detractors

The Gambia government has dismissed report that former President Yahya Jammeh who has been living in exile in Equatorial Guinea since he lost the 2016 election to President Adama Barrow that is on his way returning home.

In an urgent statement from the Barrow’s administration branded the circulation of the claim “false reports and insinuations predicting the imminent return of former President Jammeh are being amplified by some news and social media outlets.”

“Significantly, these baseless reports have provoked anxiety and tension among members of the public. Equally, the misinformation has given rise to acts of deception particularly, among supporters of the former President, who have been terribly misled to believe in these fairy-tale over the purported imminent return of former President Yahya  Jammeh.

“The public is reminded that former President Jammeh’s asylum in Equatorial Guinea is an ECOWAS/AU arrangement. Under these arranged diplomatic circumstances, the host country is obligated to ensure that the former President remains in Equatorial Guinea until agreed and decided otherwise by the parties in consultation with The Gambia Government.

“The Gambia Government hereby assures the public, members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps, that Mr. Yahya Jammeh remains in Equatorial Guinea and rumours of his recent flight to Guinea Conakry as well as his planned return to The Gambia are meritless tales being peddled by detractors. In the same vein, The Gambia Government urges those detractors to desist from rumour mongering and spreading of false information calculated to cause public anxiety and undue alarm,” Ebrima Sankareh, who speaks for the government, said in the statement.