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PSU Gets 13Motorbikes, IT Accessories from FAO

Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has recently handed over 13 Motorbikes and IT accessories to the Planning Service Unit under the Department of Agriculture.

According to FAO official, the assistance was part of the FAO funded Technical Cooperation Project worth US$480,000.00 (Amount GMD24, 480,000.00) titled “Mapping of the Human Resources capacity Gap and Strengthening capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture.”

The objective of the intervention was to provide and improve on –the-job guidance and training of Planning staff in their specialized fields, provide equipment and materials to support planning unit at various levels, support the rehabilitation of planning Services complex and facilities including communication infrastructure, and also support the piloting of approaches and modalities for improving functional linkages between MoA and the technical units.

The Ultimate aim was to help the country better manage of the Agriculture and Natural Resources sectors through evidence based decision  making and planning .

Receiving the items on behalf of the Permanent Secretary,  the deputy Permanent Secretary for project and program at the ministry of Agriculture Fatou Jammeh Touray applauded FAO for the timely intervention.

She said the motorbike will go a long way in helping extension workers to carry out their work easily and effectively, while advising head of planning service Unit to ensure that the Motor-bikes are effectively utilise.

Also speaking at the presentation was Dr. Mustapha Ceesay head of technical program at FAO who dilated on the significance of the donation.

Francis Mendy director of planning service Unit thanked FAO for this support. He said the donation came at the right time that they are much needed for the extension workers.

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