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Dr Goodluck Jonathan due in Gambia on 8 March

Ex-Nigerian President Dr Goodluck Jonathan, who is the chief-mediator in the draft constitution deadlock, is expected to fly out to the Gambia on 8th March to continue talks with political leaders.

This will be his third visit to the country since last year November, but his entire mission failed as no consensus has yet to be reached.

Mamajick Njie, a top official of President Adama Barrow’s National People’s Party, who was among delegates to Nigeria last month to broker consensus on the draft constitution with Dr Goodluck Jonathan, said “one of the main problems is that whether this term of the president should be included in the new law book or not.”

He lashed out at political leaders, who are advocating for the current term of President Adama Barrow is included in his 10-year term limit enshrined in the 1997 constitution after Yahya Jammeh was voted out in 2016, as bias.

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