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John Njie speaks on security reform

By Landing Colley

John Charles Njie, chairman of TANGO has criticized President Adama Barrow and his government for what he called ‘being too silent over security reform.’

“When you come to the issue of security in this country, it is just a shame. One of the first things this government should have done is to have a proper security reform that will protect the country including lives and properties of its citizens,” he told The Voice newspaper exclusively.

He alleged that since the change of government in 2017 “all kind of criminals want to take advantage of the democracy (because) this government has been silencing about taking serious the security sector reform and addressing the security situation.”

According to him, the country is in a very bad position in terms of security wise because is easier to do thing in the country and the borders are porous as they have always being.

“Until government take security seriously the country will continue to encounter problems. I’m disappointing in this current government as it fails to address things happening in the country as regarding to security. [The] Government should always provide leadership because if they fail to show leadership that’s where people will take the law into their own hands and criminal activities, drug trafficking will keep on increasing unless the government take the security reform serious,” he argued.

Meanwhile Mr. Njie expressed dissatisfaction over the neighboring country (Senegal) for encroaching in Gambia territory saying they should respect the sovereignty of this country.

“Senegal cannot be pursuing people in to the Gambia territory without the government permission and if they are found in the process is trespassing the government should make a stop to it,” he said.

However, he urged the government to take the security reform in order to make a stop to in drug trafficking, killing and abuse of human rights violation in the country.

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