New Release: Jahringo’s ‘Roots’ Video making waves

By: Bakary Ceesay

Jahringo, German based Gambian Reggae Dancehall artiste has released a new video called ‘The Roots’ available on YouTube.

The video is directed by Wax Media in The Gambia depict the importance African roots should not be defy away even though you lives in Western world.

Jahringo told Voice Vibes that ‘The Roots’ is a special song  talking about the superiority of our African cultural heritage and the importance of preserving and being proud of it. Musically the the marketability of commercial music tend to make people look down on cultural instruments and music.

“But we shouldn’t forget that this same music are inspired by the cultural instruments and melodies and therefore can be above it,” he explains.

He added that the song also talks about us being the warriors from the ancient bringing on to them things from the ancestral realms with the kora in connection with reggae being an example and no amount of fight or hype can deny the superiority of our vibes

“I choose conscious Reggae music as its message is not different from the values we live by in our indigenous Gambian community. Unity, respect for each other believe in the Almighty, trust in victory of good over evil are all fundamental messages in conscious Reggae music and our traditional societies,”he added.

On his ‘Liberation’ song he added the song came through looking at the African condition and thinking of the way forward. It is about the dream of one Africa that’s mighty in strength and resources and respect by all.

Good vibez, according to him it is about Reggae music which is very important to him and other people around the globe.

Jahringo has toured European countries like Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria and Italy in spreading positivity, love unity and togetherness among mankind through music.

He is always determined to inspire the world by educating and entertaining the masses of oneness, love and unity for the betterment of all.

Below the link of ‘The Roots’ video is here: