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Nolle Prosequi, Justice Minister urges Court to discontinue criminal case against nine accused person

By Sainabou Sambou

The Attorney General and Minister of Justice has informed the High Court at Kanifing presided over by Judge Alexander Osie Tutu not to continue a criminal case against nine accused persons namely Hatab Hydara; Buba Saidykan; Alasana Jarjue; Mai Mankara; Kawsu Mankanera, Sidi Hydara; Muhammed Hydara; Jerreh Sanyang and Penney Appeal.

According to Nolle Prosequi signed by the Attorney General and Minister of Justice presented to the court on Wednesday, 23rd June, 2021 which read “in exercise of the powers vested in me by section 85(1)(c) of The Constitution of the Republic of The Gambia, 1997 and section 64(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code Cap. 11:01 vol 3 Laws of The Gambia 2009, I Dawda  A Jallow, the Honorable Attorney General and Minister of Justice of The Gambia, hereby inform this Honourable Court that the State intends that the proceedings against the above named accused persons in Criminal Case No: HC/141/21/CR/041/AO shall not continue.”

Meanwhile, the nine accused person were facing criminal charges of operating illegal childcare center without permit contrary to section 203 of the Children’s Act Cap 45:017 revised laws of the Gambia 2009.

In discharging the accused persons, Justice Tutu said: “The accused persons are discharged, the state has   filed nolle prosequi to discontinue the case, and they have been discharged but it’s not means that they are acquitted.”

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