Network of disaster reporters visits GPU

By: MariamaNjie

Network of Journalists on Disaster Risk Reduction (NJDRR) has paid a courtesy call on Gambia Press Union with aim of introducing the network to officials of the union.

Speaking during the meeting, SulaymanWaan, National Coordinator of the network said   the meeting aims to introduce the network to the GPU officials as well seek technical advice and guidance from the GPU.

“Disaster is a global and national problem and no government can combat disaster without working hand in hand with the media, that is why we deem it necessary to form this network to make sure Gambian journalists focus more on disaster reporting,” he said.

He added that disaster has been under reported in the country, noting, Gambian journalists only report on disaster when it occurs. And that this network will enable more Gambian journalists specialize on disaster reporting and write disaster stories continuously.

Therese Gomez, Programme Officer for the GPU said she is not a pro network of journalists justifying that she has the fear of the networks of journalists of being easily used by certain public institutions.

She said there are some journalists’ associations in the country citing the Young Journalists Association of the Gambia, Human Rights Reporters, Women Journalists Association of The Gambia and among others but they are not promoting anyone’s agenda. “They are all solely for   what they belief in and they fighting for it,” she added.

However, she expressed satisfaction to NJDRR while assuring GPU support to the network.

Jainaba Sonko, communication officer for NJDRR also assured that the network is not hunting any organization but its aim is to sensitize and change the mindset of people on climate and disaster risk reduction.

She said disaster is a phenomenon in the country; therefore, the network deems it necessary to work with Gambian journalists to educate and inform the public on disaster.