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Police order truckers to remove heaps of sands around roadsides

Police have ordered truckers and sand dealers to immediately remove their piled-up sands and gravels around roadsides at Turntable and Sukuta-Jabang traffic light junction.

The order comes after police operation dubbed ‘clear roads ‘that will see all wrongly parked vehicles, derelict vehicles, car tyres, vendors, stalls, building rubbles and other materials along the sides of the highways and roads, whether for private or commercial purposes.

Police said the operation seeks to ensure that, all objects that obstruct the free flow of traffic most especially during rush hours are cleared. The operation will start on Monday 26th of July 2021 the police together with relevant partners will embark on the operation to clear the roads using towing vehicles to remove all vehicles wrongly parked along the roadsides.

“It has come to the notice of the Inspector General’s Office that certain sand dealers and truckers are in the habit of piling up sand and gravel heaps around the Brufut Roundabout (Turntable) and around the Sukuta -Jabang traffic light junction or other diverse areas along the roads and highways thereby causing obstructions.

“In this regard, all such sand dealers are advised to remove their heaps of sand and gravel from the roadsides with immediate effect. Individuals, who fail to do so until the commencement of the operation on the 26th July 2021, will face penalties in accordance with the laws. The cooperation and compliance of the public particularly sand dealers and truckers is highly solicited,” police said in a statement.

For shop owners on the highways, Physical planning in consultation with relevant authorities will verify boundaries and if they are found to have encroached into the road, they will be removed with immediate effect.

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