Ministry of Health rebuts continuation of AstraZeneca

The Ministry of Health has dismissed reports circulating in town about continuation of AstraZeneca vaccination as false and urged people to go receive their Johnson and Johnson vaccines to help curb spread of coronavirus infection in the country.

AstraZeneca vaccine which The Gambia first received from the World Health Organisation through its Covax donation to developing and least developed countries across the world ran shortage months ago. The Gambia is now issuing Chinese Sinopharm and United States’ Johnson and Johnson vaccines.

However, the Ministry of Health assured those who only received the single shot of AstraZeneca that it is in plans to get them their second dose of the vaccine.

“It has come to the attention of the Ministry of Health that many people are calling the Ministry’s toll-free line, citing that they have come across a social media post purportedly from Ministry, indicating that the Ministry is starting the continuation of AstraZeneca vaccination today. The Ministry would like to clarify that AstraZeneca vaccine is yet to arrive in the country but will certainly be available soon,” the Ministry said in a statement.

“The Ministry wishes to re-assure those who are due for second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, that they will subsequently receive it as soon as it becomes available. Please note that any delay in receiving the second dose would not have any negative consequences on the individual,” the Ministry added.

Meanwhile, in a similar development, Gambia Ports Authority said: “The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the GPA Management has installed a vaccination centre in the Port to roll out Johnson and Johnson vaccines. The exercise has begun on Wednesday, 28th July, 2021 and will continue to vaccinate more staff and other port users on a daily basis.”

“The Management therefore encourages staff and all port users who haven’t been vaccinated to do so, in a bit to protect themselves, colleagues and family members from contracting coronavirus and as well, curbing the spread in the country,” it added.