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Brikama Area Council shares D500,000 among victims

Brikama Area Council has distributed D500,000.00 among 20 households whose houses were severely destroyed by July windstorm which killed 10 people and displaced more than thousand people in the country. The aid is meant to mitigate the negative impacts of the 7th July Windstorm.

The beneficiaries included those internally displaced and female headed households and one person with disability.

“On Tuesday 2nd August, 2021, the Regional Disaster Committee presided over by the Governor the first phase disbursement of the D500,000.00 (Five Hundred thousand dalasi) fund donated by the Council to twenty households  in the region. The beneficiary households comprised highly displaced, female headed households and one person with disability (PWD),” the council said.

“Each beneficiary will receive a sum total of D22,500.00 for a period of three months while the remaining D50,000.00 (Fifty thousand dalasis) of the donated fund is earmarked to provide logistics support for ongoing assessment activities in the region,” it added.

Meanwhile, National Disaster Management Agency said it received a donation of D500,000.00 from the Regional Disaster Management Committee in West Coast Region.

“The cheque was handed over to Regional Coordinator for West Coast Region Mrs Binta Sey Jadama on Tuesday July 27, 2021. The funds will contribute to the relief activities of the agency where 20 households will receive support for the losses attained in the windstorm on July 7, 2021. On Tuesday August 3, 2021, the NDMA regional office in partnership with the council, distributed the stipend for the first month to the 20 beneficiaries. Many beneficiaries expressed gratitude that they had funds to use to go towards fixing the damage to their homes and replacing food lost,” it said.

“Earlier in the afternoon, we participated in a Development Partners Forum on Waste Disposal in the Greater Banjul Area chaired by the Lord Mayor Talib Ahmed Bensouda of Kanifing Municipality. The forum discussed means of establishing an engineered Sanitary Landfill for the Greater Banjul Area while using the three current sites namely Mile 2 for Banjul City Council, Bakoteh for Kanifing Municipality and Tambana for Brikama Area Council as transfer and recycling stations.

“Among other development partners present at the forum where HE Corrado Pampaloni, EU Ambassador to The Gambia, a visiting Delegation from Maison, WI, USA and Representatives from UNDP, UNOPS, Ministry of Local Govt, NEA, GCCA+, French Embassy in The Gambia and CRSWASHDEP.”

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