Gov’t signs agreement with EU regarding December election

The Gambia government has signed an administrative arrangement agreement with European Union Delegation regarding the observation of the 2021 Presidential Election.

The signing was done by the Minister of Fisheries and Water Resources, Mr. James Gomez on behalf of the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs His Excellency Dr Mamadou Tangara.

The signing agreement is meant to prepare the deployment of the EU observation mission for the 4 December 2021 presidential election.

According to a dispatched statement from Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Prior to the signing of the Administrative Arrangements, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad, Habib T.B Jarra warmly welcomed The EU Deputy head of Mission, Ms Else Boonstra, and IEC Chairman Mr Alieu Momarr Njai. He said that this signing is a result of several consultations done between the EU, IEC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare for the deployment of the EU observation mission for the 4 December 2021 Presidential election.

“Subsequently, Minister Gomez thanked Ms. Else and the IEC Chairman, saying that the commitment of the Government of The Gambia is to make sure we have a free, transparent and fair election. Mr Gomez went on to thank the EU for their partnership not only in this election but in other areas and hopes that the cooperation will flourish for mutual benefit.

“The EU Deputy Head of Mission, expressed gratitude for the invitation to observe the Presidential election in December 2021. IEC Chairman assured the EU delegation of a credible election in December. He said the upcoming election will be held freely and fairly as always.”