Court grants alleged shop breaker bail

By SainabouSambou

Alagie Corr, who was charged with three counts of offence including stealing has been granted a court bail in the sum of D300,000.00.

The court allowed him to provide three Gambian sureties with their National Identity Cards with reachable contacts while he shall swear into an affidavit of means.

Meanwhile Alagie Corr in his appearance before Magistrate Mam Samba Jallow of the Kanifing Magistrate Court Tuesday pleaded not guilty of the offence pressing against him.

However, the accused, according his charge sheet, count one; Alagie Corr on 30th August, 2021 between hours of 3:27am and 4:00 am at Westfield broke into the shop of Stephen Agubugwu with intent to commit a felony. On the count two, the same day time and place he stole from the same shop the following items – new visual led lamp valued at D2,500; 26 laptops of different types valued at D130,000; 8 pieces of laptop chargers valued at D 4,000; 6 pieces of Bluetooth speakers valued at D3,900; 17 Pieces of mobile phone chargers valued at D2,550; 2 packets of USB cables valued at D1,800; 5 pieces of Ultra  sound H/Phone valued at D1,750; 4 pieces of wireless keyboard valued at D3,200; 1 Samsung flat monitor valued at D 4,500;  2 pieces of Pentium (4) desktop valued at D9,000; 150 mobile phone and 1 pads valued at D98,000. The total valued of is D261, 200.00 being properties of Stephen Agubugwu.

And on count three with the particulars disclosed that the same day, time and place Alagie Corr wilfully and unlawfully damaged the properties: show case aluminium glass valued at D1,500; 2 Computer monitors valued at D1000 and 2 strong padlocks valued at D250. The total valued is D2, 950.00 being the properties of Stephen Agubugwu.”

The case has been adjourned to the 5th October, 2021 for continuation.