Former IEC chairman calls for removal of Alieu Momar Njai

Mustapha L Carayol, the former chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission has called for the removal of the current chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Alieu Momar Njai, ahead of December presidential election.

He described Mr Njai as an old civil servant who is not fit to head the Independent Electoral Commission anymore.

“Let them change this chairman (Alieu Momar Njai) he is old and he cannot talk properly anymore. Let them put someone in that position because we have competent and capable young Gambians for the position of IEC chairman,” Mr Carayol told Star Fm Radio on a program.

“This man (Alieu Momar Njai) cannot talk and someone who cannot talk cannot serve as a returning officer in an election. Let us try and change that man before the election otherwise it will not be good because Gambia is on the crossroad,” he added.

He extending the call to other political party leaders and President Barrow, he said this is “to avoid problem, if I had the power today I would remove Alieu Momar Njai. And I am appealing to the head of state and all political parties if they want a free and fair election so that no one will have something to say. Let them remove him and bring Toney Secka. I don’t want problem in this country and he should be removed because he cannot talk, let them give the position to someone efficient.”