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Jammeh Accuses Barrow of destroying his legacy

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet His Excellency Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh, President of the Republic of The Gambia, and Mrs. Zineb Jammeh, in the Blue Room during a U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit dinner at the White House, Aug. 5, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)

Exile former President Yahya Jammeh has accused President Adama Barrow who defeated him in the December 2, 2016 presidential election of destroying his legacy.

“I left for Equatorial Guinea because of an agreement with ECOWAS, AU and others and if they are not respecting the law I am coming back to the country, Adama barrow had been saying he is a law-abiding president but he has been violating the law in so many ways. People are dying like dogs; and we should all unite and vote him out,” he said through a WhatsApp call at GDC rally in Garawol Upper River Region.

“Barrow destroyed everything good I left for the Gambians to benefit from, the hospitals, agriculture and education. And I promised free medical care to all Gambians within three years when GDC, APRC and GAP administration wins this election,” he added.

“We would regulate the security sector by ensuring every Gambian’s safety, I am aware that Senegalese people are attacking Gambians for cutting their trees, I promise all this will stop within one week when we get into power because Gambia is a sovereignty state,” he said.

He called on all patriotic Gambians to be one and stay away from tribalism but work harder towards the development of this country

“Adama Barrow claimed that he built the Lamin Koto, Pasamas Highway, I want you to tell me who was the first consultant to the Pasamas and Laminkoto road, and two bridges you claimed that you constructed, would never be called Senegambia bridge and if sure you are the one who built that bridge as you claimed then why was it delayed in building that bridge during the process? However, I have been telling Gambians the truth for past 22 years and I don’t expect Barrow to lie to us, I want Barrow to answers these questions correctly,” he said.

For his part, Mamma Kandeh, leader of Gambia Democratic Congress, said security sector should be a concern to every Gambian.

“Few months ago, some people come to Kantora and wanted to shoot a youth it was me that told them to let that youth go, see Gambians, let’s open our eyes and make the right decisions for the development of this country. We will all see the changes we want because GDC government would never be selfish to its citizens,” he said.

Binta Bojang a resident at Garawol said “I am glad Jammeh is coming back “we are suffering the current president has never brought any development in these areas only Jammeh and Kandeh have wiped our tears.”

Kemo Sidibeh said the country should come first in our heart and minds, Gambians shouldn’t forget the suffering the ex- president has done in this country.”

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