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Ecowas election mission urges Barrow to work on five key areas

By Adama Makasuba

Ecowas election mission to The Gambia has tasked President Adama Barrow to work on five thematic areas as he got re-elected by Gambians for another five-year term in office.

Speaking at a news conference, head of Ecowas election mission, Earnest Bai Koroma, former president of Sierra Leone, said: “the mission congratulates and invites the incoming president to increase efforts to meet the challenges of social stability, economic recovery, democratic governance and consolidate peace and security in an inclusive manner.”

However, he said: “despite the controversies, accusations and counter accusations and rejection on the early Sunday December results by the three presidential candidates, Ecowas mission confirms that the electoral process was calm and peaceful with no major incidents reported.”

President Barrow scooped a landslide victory after he secured 53% of the vote leaving his rival political mentor Ousainou Darboe with 27%.

Meanwhile, he said the mission thanked Gambians for their political maturity they displayed throughout the election process.

“The mission takes note by the declaration made by the Independent Electoral Commission on Sunday 5th December by announcing on the public media the results of the election. The mission congratulates and invites the incoming president to increase efforts to meet the challenges of social stability, economic recovery, democratic governance and consolidate peace and security in an inclusive manner,” he said.

He said the mission also thanked the Independent Electoral Commission and the security forces and stakeholders for their efforts throughout the electoral process.

“The mission congratulates the IEC, the security forces and all the stakeholders involved in the management of the electoral process and salutes the greater political maturity that Gambians have displayed throughout this process,” Mr Koroma continued.

“Consequent of pre-deployment briefing session organised by Ecowas technical team, 74 observers in 48 teams were deployed to the seven regions. After careful analysis of the information received from the observers deployed in the field,” he said.

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