Laws have to constitute the people – Human Rights advocator

By Binta Jaiteh

Baboucarr Jobe, a young Gambian author and human rights advocator has said for any law to exist in any given society that laws should constitute the people first which constitute that particular policy.

In an interview with this medium, he said laws have to reflect the society.

“All I was doing is to write a book that suites the contemporary Gambian society, and you and I can attest to the fact that with regards to lesbians and gay is no go area in The Gambia. It is absolutely haram let us think about something else. If there should be any particular law that the Europeans and Westerners want to import into our country, we must say no to that,” he said.

He narrated his experience as regarding to past activities and remarks on lesbians and gays in term of granting them rights but quickly disclosed that some such remarks can trigger threat to the national security.

According to him, national security means that even words that violated the security of a country has to be considered.

He however disclosed that any person that is coming to the country, they always show them restriction even  in the United Nations Chatter of 2, 7 clearly states that no state should have to intervene in the matters that is essentially domestic jurisdiction. “We can have relationship with the Western countries but there are certain areas with regards to gay and lesbian, we should not even go further because it is not part of our culture” he said.