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Bee Keeping Association receives entrepreneurship training

By; Haruna Kuyateh

At least 20 farmers have been trained on simple record keeping for community forest  entrepreneurs in North Bank Region.

The training was funded by the Community Based Sustainable Dryland Forest Management Project funded by Global Environment Facility through FAO and Natural Consulting Firm NAC.

The participated farmers were selected from the forest communities of Dibba Kunda, Fula and Bassick of Sabach Sanjal in the North Bank Region.

Demba Sanyang Head of Finance and Admin at NACO said the training would strengthen effective management of forest resources and finance, while thanking the Global Environment Facility through FAO Community Based Sustainable Dryland Forest Management Project funded by European Union for powering the training.

He said the training will contribute immensely to the works of the beneficiaries and help them to effectively manage forest resources. He said record keeping are keys in enhancing the capacity of entrepreneurs and promote good governance and accountability.

Alkali  Jarjusey Program Officer at NACO challenged the beneficiaries to be opened and ensure all activities are recorded, and enhance participatory forest cover and contribute to restoration and preservation of forest cover.

Buba Bah President of Bee Keeping Association of Dibba Kunda Fula said the training has enabled members to understand the importance of record keeping and documentation. He assured that the association attaches great important to protection of forest and to promote honey production and value addition.

Jarra Njie of Bassick explained that the honey production and processing of wax in to body cream and soap contributed to empowerment of women and girls. She thanked NACO and donor partner for their support in enhancing entrepreneurship skills and noted the skills would avert the burden and pressure on Community Forest.  She disclosed that the revenue generated help in the upkeep of water facility and uses the moment to call for training on levelling of wax body cream.

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