Education Ministry resolves arrears with WAEC

By Nyima Sillah

The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education has resolved multimillion dollars arrears with the West African Examination Council.

Louis Moses Mendy, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education had said in a news conference that “one of the decisions is that we must pay our arrears as a country. Initially they put it at 50% and our WAEC arrears are over U$11 to US$12 million, 50 % of that is over D350 million.”

However, Louis Moses Mendy stated in a statement yesterday that “The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education has Monday updated Regional Education Directorates, School Principles, Parents, Students and the public that the Gambia will conduct 2022 GABECE and WASSCE as planned.

The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education thanked the leadership of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, WAEC and all other stakeholders for their continuous support, understanding and partnership.

The Gambia Government through Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education is committed to continuously improving quality and education service delivery.

“This development came following a successful virtual meeting held on Friday 25 February 2022 amongst stakeholders including the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, Ministry Finance and Economics Affairs and the West African Examination Council during which the issue of arrears was amicably resolved,” he concluded.