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Gov’t urged to intervene in land dispute between Busura and Talokoto

By Kariamtou Jallow

The government has been urged to intervene and resolve a Land dispute between Busura and Talokoto villages as residents of Busura threatened to attack their neighbouring village.

Speaking at a press conference held in the village, Alieu A Faye, Alikalo of Busura said they have never sold these plots of land to anyone or even use them, but “Olimatou Colley, Alkalo of Talokoto is selling them and do whatever she likes on these plots of lands.”

Based on this he said he has written report and distribute them to different departments in the country so that this problem will be solved by the government since former President Jammeh’s era but they didn’t receive any help from the authorities.

“When the new government come into power, I wrote a petition to the Governor and the Governor instituted a tribunal court, which consisting of 3 chiefs who presided over the case and a judgement was made. In that judgement and the court ruled that the land belongs to us (Busura) because it was discovered by our forefathers and it belongs to the people of Busura. Despite the rulings of the court the Alkalo of Talokoto still disrespect the rulings and keep up doing whatever she likes on this land,” he explained with worries.

According to him, they want the government to take up its responsibility and settle this problem because they don’t want war, a main reason he said they are involving the authorities in the matter.

According to them they have exhausted  all the legal means to claim back the ownership but now alerting the public of whatever that be the outcome of the present situation in the village, the authorities are to be blamed “because they are responsible however we don’t want the matter to reach such a level so let them take step before we reach that stage,” Malanding Sanneh member of the clan raised alert.

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