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Sheriffo Sonko Challenges K.K. Barrow over Kombo South seat

By Mustapha Jarju

Sheriffo Sonko, chairman of Brikama Area Council (BAC) has challenged Kebba K. Barrow, National Assembly Member of Kombo South and majority leader that he will not be re-elected for the constituency in the April Parliamentary election.

In an interview, has stated that Barrow’s in fact he was lucky to be elected in 2017 for Kombo South and also as majority leader of the House.

Sonko, who is backing Modou Bojang candidature for the Kombo South seat emphasized that Bojang is not on the same level with Barrow describing him as more powerful than him the incumbent, while he calls on him to resign and give it to somebody as saying he cannot challenge Modou Bojang.

“Modou has more support from the people as a counselor of Sanyang Ward and the projects and other endeavors that he has done is too much that you cannot even compared that with a man who is a sitting member of parliament and cannot even be able to reach certain areas that Modou Bojang is reach, so obviously Modou Bojang is more powerful than him,” he added.

He said: “We know that nobody can challenge us, our candidates are all winning candidates and because of the party`s endeavors in this country we are very much sure that the NPP is going to conquer and we are going to win.”

According to him, the National People’s Party is optimistic because they have competent candidates who are winning.

He called on party leaders to call on their supporters to give respect to others party supporters, and stop insults during campaign periods, and avoid fighting one another saying when campaign ends someone will be the winner and if that person wins, he/she will be there for the Gambia therefore it is not own by a family or tribe but we are in for the Gambia.

“Let us tolerate one another and avoid violence among ourselves. The Gambia is too small, we should only bring peace during the campaign period by following the IEC campaign ethics and the country`s law. And whoever wins we consider the person as the one God has destined,” he advised.

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